My name is Bernestine Edwards. I'm originally from a little town outside of Augusta Ga called Waynesboro. I currently reside in Virginia. My healing-spiritual journey started when I left Waynesboro Ga and moved to Virginia in 2003. As a young, single, mother of 3 small children at the time, I found myself in a lot of pain due to broken relationships and financial struggles. Early in my arrival in this new town is when I came into the knowledge of there is a better way to live. And to live a happy, stress free, worry free life. In September of 2003 I was introduced to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And through a lot of difficult times the Holy Spirit ministered to me in ways that no man could.
Its been close to 20 years now that I have walking with the Lord on this journey of healing, and I want you to know that every healing technique that I have to offer to my clients I have tested on myself first, and that's how I know it works. Along this journey I have found it is really simple once you submit to the Word of God. My mind has been transformed and my heart has been healed from all past hurts. The Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away and behold all things have become new.
I truly enjoy life. I am settled and comfortable where I am and I am in a place where I can hear from God my Father. For He has blessed me in such a way that I see the beauty in all things. For my pain is even Beautiful. This is not a gimmick, nor do I perform secret magic spells for results. It is my Father the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit who does the work. I am just a forerunner to show you the way! This is my opportunity to learn more, to love more, and to give of myself what has been freely given to me.
Please consider partnering with me as we both can gain insight on your new Healing Journey.
May your life be filled with many blessings and your store houses over flowing!
Your Humble Servant